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Is there a MultiFunctionGenerator or equivalent?

0 votes
Hi everyone,

I'm building a sound that incorporates the FunctionGenerator and I'm wanting to randomly grab wavetables with CapyTalk.

I've seen the parameter fields I'm looking for in other sounds, for example in the MultiOscillator's 'WavetableNames' and 'Index' fields but I haven't been able to find it associated with a FunctionGenerator.

Have I overlooked a prototype that would work or is this not available....yet? :)

Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions!
asked Sep 28, 2018 in General by will-klingenmeier (Adept) (1,270 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Hi Will,

You should be able to get the same functionality (no pun intended) using a MultiSample with Loop unchecked. 

answered Sep 28, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (128,780 points)
selected Oct 3, 2018 by will-klingenmeier