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How to generate a control signal that I can both see & hear?

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How do I generate a control signal that automatically moves a fader in the VCS and controls a parameter of my Sound?
asked Jun 4, 2015 in Using Kyma by dj-offbeat (Practitioner) (360 points)

1 Answer

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One solution is to add a SoundToGlobalController in parallel with the Sound whose parameters you'd like to control.

In the Value field of the SoundToGlobalController (STGC), you can use either a Sound (like an LFO) or a Capytalk expression.  The GeneratedEvent field will be an EventValue (the name of your control preceded by an exclamation point, for example !Modulator).

The generated event is global and behaves like EventValues that you control by moving faders in the VCS.

The trick is to add your SoundToGlobalEvent to your existing signal flow graph by dropping it on the plus sign to the right of your current rightmost module.  In this case, you’re not creating an audio mixer per se; you’re just saying that you want the STGC to be scheduled in parallel with your signal flow graph.  The STGC should have Silent checked so the subaudio control signal doesn't get added to the audio output signal.

One more thing to bear in mind—the range of a control is (0,1) and the range of an audio signal is (-1,1).  If you need a larger range of values (for example if you're modulating frequency or pitch), you can use the control signal (or LFO signal) as a scalar on a larger frequency value.  For example, a Frequency field could contain something like:

1000 hz + (!Mod * 500) hz

or, using different units and a different EventValue name

60 nn + (!Modulator * 12 nn)

Hope this is a good starting point.  It’s just a sketch for how to do it, so if other people have additional pointers or suggestions, please chime in. Thanks!

answered Jun 4, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Jun 5, 2015 by dj-offbeat
Sometimes I wish I had the possibility to switch between algorithmic and live control with only one fader and a switch. The triggered STGC allows for live override but the trigger doesn't work at SR (samplerate). If the trigger would work at samplerate it would be a very handy feature! #gettingOnSSCsNervesAboutSamplerateStuff :)