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Problem with Record to Disk from Galleries

0 votes
i hope i haven't overlooked an already asnwered question, but i have been experiencing a problem with Record to Disk from a created Gallery. Any of the Sounds that make a stereo sound out of a mono source (for example Sound Cloud under Players) will only allow me to record a mono output file (left to be exact) even though the sound is stereo, and there are two output lines in the playout. If i put a ChannelJoin before the end, it allows me to record a stereo file. It seems like a bug, but more likely i am an idiot, haha.


asked Jun 7, 2015 in Using Kyma by jim-orourke (Practitioner) (400 points)
No it sounds like a bug...looking into it...
Thanks so much to everyone, all makes sense now..thanks!

2 Answers

+1 vote
This kind of behaviour from the RecordToDisk occurs sometimes. I've noticed that the final Sound in the signal flow needs to be one with two lines coming out of it (a two channel output) for the disk recorder to let you record a two channel file.
answered Jun 15, 2015 by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,460 points)
+1 vote
I see what's happening now.  The quick workaround is to add a Level to the right of the SampleCloud player with separate left and right controls; that should let you record a stereo result.

The Gallery uses Morph1dSampleCloud to create a player for the mono file.  In reality, it does create a stereo output, but since its source is a mono file, it thinks it's mono.  If I were to change that, it would have undesireable consquences (such as searching for the other channel file on the disk).  So for the moment, it seems the better solution is to add a module to the end that is clearly stereo; that tricks the disk recorder into recording both left and right channels (as you've already discovered with ChannelJoin).
answered Jun 18, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (128,320 points)