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Kyma and Mojave

0 votes
Does anybody have a problem with Kyma running on Mojave?

May computer a MacBook Pro 2018 crashes and switches completely off (kernel panic). It happens constantly, every half hour. Luckily  I could connect my Pacarana to my Mac mini with High Sierra so I can work.
asked Oct 19, 2018 in General by robert-pravda (Practitioner) (310 points)
reshown Oct 19, 2018 by ssc
Could you please email us your System Report and Crash Log?
It sounds like something else might be going wrong (it is unlikely that Kyma could cause a kernel panic)
The crash log has more than 8000 characters to post. On what address can I attach and email the log file?
Please email the crash log along with your system report (from About this Mac) to
(We have been using Mojave here with Kyma 7.2 without problems).

1 Answer

0 votes
I have also been running Kyma with no problems on Mojave
answered Oct 21, 2018 by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)
I am using the BlackMagic eGPU in my setup, running Kyma on the secondary screen connected to it. I just discovered when excluding the eGPU from a chain no crashes are happening. I am still testing it. So far, after 3 hours no crashes.