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!SoundLoaded Is there a way of sending a one time only message when the sound first runs?

+1 vote
I'm still trying to finish off my percussion encapsulations. My filter needs some noise injecting into it, but it changes the sound if you leave it on. Ideally an event which triggers the moment sound is running. I could then trigger the noise impulse and carry on.

Any thoughts?
asked Oct 22, 2018 in Using Kyma by charlienorton (Adept) (2,660 points)
Have you tried using !IsActive as a trigger on a FunctionGenerator (it won't re-trigger without returning to zero in between)

!localTime gt: 1

enables me to trigger a burst.

Or a FunctionGenerator (on a Gaussian) whose OnDuration is the duration of the noise and whose Gate is 1. If you multiply this by the noise, it will turn on at the beginning of your Sound and last only for the OnDuration and never turn on again.
Yes, perfect. I was completely overthinking this one. The answer I was looking for was just '1'. Lol. Thanks so much.

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