Cool! You could try building up your expression step by step, saving the cumulative expression in an instance variable (like seq in the example below):
| seqFaders seq eva rotation |
rotation := EventVariable new initialValue: 0.
eva := EventVariable new size: 8.
seqFaders := (1 to: 8) collect: [:i| !Interval suffix: i].
seq := (!Rotate switchedOn
true: (rotation <+ ((rotation + 1) mod: 8))
false: (nil)).
seq := (0 to: 7) inject: seq into: [ :expr :i | expr, ((eva @< i) <+ (((i + rotation) mod: 8) of: seqFaders))].
seq := (seq, (eva @< ((1 bpm: !BPM) countTriggersMod: 8))).
seq nn + !LogFreq nn