The Paca(rana) can receive arrayed OSC messages; that is, you can send an array of floats using a single OSC message. You can map the individual values of that message in the VCS, or you can refer to an individual value in a Capytalk expression.
For example, if the OSC message was /value,fffff 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 then you could refer to the individual parts as:
!osc_value__1 !osc_value__2 !osc_values__3 !osc_value__4 !osc_value__5
One simple way to work with these values would be to use !osc_value in your Sound and use a Replicator with a suffix of "__1" to rename that control so that each replica would be using a different value from the OSC message.
Since the number of copies that the Replicator creates is determined at compile time, you would set the number of copies to the maximum you expected. Then you could use a separate OSC message (for example /count,i) that indicated how many values were in the message and make decisions based on that.
For example, in the Sound being replicated, you could do something like:
(!osc_count ge: ?VoiceNumber) true: !osc_value false: 0
to provide a default value (or to turn off the output of a Sound) when too few values were supplied.