0 output level still makes sound?

0 votes
I am really enjoying this new spectacular update! One quick question: in the DSP Status window, even if I turn the output level slider all the way to 0, I still hear a pretty healthy level from my speakers (it does get louder when I turn it up). Is that intentional, or am I doing something wrong?
asked Dec 20, 2018 in Using Kyma by stephen-taylor (Adept) (1,620 points)
By any chance did you happen to have the Volume control on the front panel of the Paca(rana) showing?
Thanks! I did not - but just now I put on the volume on the front panel, then hit the circle for Back; and now in the DSP status does indeed make it silent.

1 Answer

+1 vote
0 turns it off completely fo rme.

Despite the cursor blinking on the integer value, if I try to replace it with a 0, or set it directly to say 50, it will not let me. Not sure if this is intended / desired.

Fantastic Update! Thanks so much.

Seasons Greetings to All.

answered Dec 20, 2018 by charlienorton (Adept) (2,660 points)
Thanks for pointing out that you cannot type in that volume field! This has been fixed for the next update.