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2 things...1. Disable R button (random) 2. Windows remembering display

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Would it be possible to disable R?  I have issues switching to protools and then using r (zoom out) and then randomizing what I was working on in kyma.  R and T in protools are pressed a lot.

Also it seems kyma wants to always stick to the primary monitor.  Is there a way to have to remember its layout so when reopening it is ok on a second (or 3rd or 4th) monitor?
asked Jun 16, 2015 in Using Kyma by jeffrey-pitts (120 points)
So after restarting kyma my windows are opening on the remembered screen.  Although I do get graphical glitches when attempting to move to a screen that is being powered by the second video card.
Does the second monitor have a different brand or model video card?  What kind of glitches are you seeing?
Its the same brand of video card.  2xg120 (nvidia) in a macpro.  As to describe what the glitch looks like, Its like the window keeps its same size but it picks up gui from other things open and has them all mixed together.  If that makes sense.
interesting, experiencing the same with the same setup of mac pro 2xg120. We are currently having other kinds of graphical issues as well so I thought it's not Kyma. But my glitches look exactly the same. Maybe I can make a screenshot tomorrow..

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