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Bug: class was not understood

0 votes
I found this error by trying to use this code as Gate in AR

!LogFreq hasChangedInLast: 0.3 s

It shows LogFreq nn send to hasChangedInLast class was not understood.  I was assuming because !LogFreq is a keyword that is assigned to another class therefore I used another word for that hot value, it worked.

However, I also found out the same problem happens in BinauralEarlyReflections + Reverb prototype.  I am guessing there will be more sounds or prototypes might contain the same issue.
asked Dec 30, 2018 in General by allen-wu (Practitioner) (370 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Some keywords are bound to units like !LogFreq is translated to !LogFreq nn. You can work around this by using the removeUnits message: !LogFreq removeUnits hasChangedInLast: 0.3 s Cheers, Gustav
answered Dec 30, 2018 by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)