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Is it typical to have to hard reboot after running out of realtime processing?

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Hi everyone,

Evidently I've built a DSP hungry sound and I'm running out of realtime- the thing is Kyma isn't prompting me that I might run out of realtime before playing the sound, like it usually does, and it doesn't happen everytime. My multigrid loads and then I see the DSP status window state 'out of realtime' and all the meters are clipped. The only way I can get back to work is to quit Kyma and reboot my Paca(rana); reinitializing the DSP has no effect. It's not the end of the world but it seems a bit odd.

Any thoughts? Thanks!
asked Jan 13, 2019 in Hardware & Interfaces by will-klingenmeier (Adept) (1,270 points)
Please archive and send us your Multigrid so we can see why it is behaving so oddly. Thanks.
no thats not really typical!
That's what I figured. Thanks! I emailed it to
Have you had a chance to examine the sound I emailed or not yet? Or maybe it never made it to you? Thanks

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