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multigrid changing sound VCS

0 votes
hello hello, I have a sound that opened in the multigrid "loose" the VCS I have painstakingly designed and just show me a bunch of numbers ( it has a lot of faders and buttons ;) ). is there a way to prevent the multigrid change of the VCS layout? thanks. d
asked Jan 13, 2019 in Using Kyma by domenico-cipriani (Master) (3,110 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Some of the VCS layouts are "constructed" on the fly each time you play the Multigrid and are not saved. For example the layouts that you select using the buttons at the upper right (the Mix view, Grid view, and Overview). Was it one of these layouts?
answered Jan 13, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
no, it was the layout of a sound in the multigrid. actually a sequencer with 6 replication and a  prefixer at its very end.
Hi Domenico, could you please archive and send us the Multigrid and tell us how to reproduce the situation? Or send us a video showing how you got to this situation? Thanks!
I solved the problem adding a VCS on the sequencer sound. the only VCS before was at the end of the sound. now everything is alright.