Good Morning,
learning about the nextRandomFromAllArrays: I have encountered a problem.
If I do : !Trigger nextRandomFromAllArrays: #( #(1 2 3 4) #(5 6 7 8) #(123 642 227 278) ) arrayIndex: !Index
It choses all the array under the value (using the !Index).
Value 1 goes through 0 and 1 arrays.
Value 2 goes through 0, 1 and 2 array.
On the other hand, if I do this :
!Trigger nextRandomFromAllArrays: #( #(1 2 3 4) #(5 6 7 8) #(123 642 227 278) ) arrayIndex: 2
It works correctlly and array 2 (in the above case) is only chosen.
I am using the Sound To Global Controller to do these tests.
I thank you for helping me and I wish you a nice day