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wacom intuos cth-680 and kyma 7 not working properly

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trying to make my tablet to work with kyma/pacarana

Wacom intuos cth-680

mac OS x 10.12.6

Wacom Driver 6.3.33-5

the only thing recognized is the eraser that can trigger the sample in some examples, the tablet works fine on osx

any help is appreciated
asked Apr 18, 2019 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by christian-hernandez (Practitioner) (450 points)

1 Answer

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Wacom fixed this problem in driver version 6.3.32-4 for the Mac, which you can download from this page.

Unfortunately, they broke the use of touch (but not the pen) in the subsequent update, version 6.3.33-5 for the Mac, so we advise using driver version 6.3.32-4.

answered Apr 19, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
hello SSC, it seems I am running into a different issue, tried 6.3.32-4 drivers with no success, then I got a newer Wacom Intuos pro 4, uninstalled previous drivers, restarted, installed wacom drivers again (6.3.32-4), restart, tested Wacom in osx and worked ok but nothing was recognized by Kyma.

Because I have a thunderbolt hub for the macbookpro, I disconnected it from the mac, hooked directly wacom and Pacarana to the macbook and still nothing.

What DID work was me installing kyma 7 , wacom drivers and connect pacarana and tablet in another Mac (exactly same specs and OSX version) and Voila! It worked at the first try! Why? I have no clue.. will try to dig further and post the solution here.