Pacas and Zoom H2N

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Intrigued by this video,

I've tried to connect Zoom H2N (with firmaware 3 instaled!), to Paca(rana) and it works now!

Please SSC, can you confirm that?




asked May 9, 2019 in Hardware & Interfaces by samuel-sacher (Practitioner) (590 points)
Did you connect the H2N directly to the Paca using the Paca's USB connection on the back?

1 Answer

0 votes
The Paca(rana) supports USB class compliant audio interfaces but only as stereo in / out.


The H2N looks like it can be a USB 1.1 class compliant device so the paca(rana) should work with it, but only in stereo.
answered May 16, 2019 by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)