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CheckBox in Encapsulation

+1 vote
Hello, Hello!

getting more and more excited for KISS 2019 :) and encapsulating new classes.

but I didnt understand which Type/Parameter I have to select if I want to visualize a field with a check box.

also, I do not really understand how to do if I want to have the possibility to put a parameter like "ShowIn VCS" of the STGC in my encapsulation.

is it correct to put a Parameter Transformer just after the Sound to Encapsulate (and right before the Script) and to put something like:

snd doNotExpandFirst.
snd doNotTransformSubSounds.
snd showInVCS: (?stealthMode not).



thanks for your help
asked Jul 18, 2019 in Capytalk & Smalltalk by domenico-cipriani (Master) (3,110 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Hi Domenico!

Yes you are right, if you put a ParameterTransformer after an STGC you can access the boolean checkbox parameters:

In the above example I'm getting access to the Prezero parameter of a Delay.

You want to use the boolean type for your ?stealthMode parameter of your encapsulated class:


answered Jul 18, 2019 by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)
selected Jul 19, 2019 by domenico-cipriani
thanks Alan!,
displays as a checkbox?
Yes it should do. The "constant" bit at the end just sets the category (the background colour) of the parameter. Occasionally I've found when I've changed a parameter's type in the class editor that it doesn't update immediately. But when I touch or change the input Sound parameter that seems to cause all the others to refresh.
0 votes
New with Kyma 7.30, you can edit a Sound's parameters with caps lock key down to turn a check box or list into a regular value field into which you can type a green variable or expression (such as ?stealthMode not). ParameterTransformer is no longer required.
answered Jan 6, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
this sounds cool, but I  don't understand if I have to do it when I edit the class or in the sound itself, and I am not able to make it work...
You would do this in a Sound *before* encapsulating. For example, select an Oscillator, press caps lock; the Modulation field changes into a value field. This makes it possible to type a green variable into that field (like ?ModType).