Hello, new on Kyma (paca), I would like to know if someone could tell me how to use replicator in the way I use .dup in Supercollider, for example with this line of code:
f={ [{SinOsc.ar(Rand(100,700),Rand(0,1),0.05)}.dup(30),{SinOsc.ar(Rand(100,800),Rand(0,1),0.05)}.dup(30)] }.play;
Which means, each time I execute the line code: 30 sine oscillators mixed into the left channel with, for each oscillator: a random frequency between 100 and 700 hz, a random phase between 0 and 1, and a volume of 0.05. The same in the right channel (with different values). Into Kyma 7 the "play;" could be replaced by a simple gate or trigger. I would be extremely happy if someone could send me a structure that would do exactly that in order to understand the logic of Kyma coding. Thanks a lot.
Also, what could be the easiest way to store and recall a current state of values (the one produced by all the Rand's), without using 60 or more !hotvalues and the preset object in the VCS layout?