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Anyone interested in seeing how to hand-roll an Interpolate Presets using Smalltalk and Capytalk?

+3 votes

This is from the script I made for the Vocal filter encapsulation from the NeverEngineLabs ZDF Filter pack (

As I was encapsulating, InterpolatePresets was not an option, as it would also interpolate everything to the left of the Custom Class.

Thought some of you might be interested in seeing how I approached it ....


"**** NeverEngine Labs 2019    
**** Class: VocalFilter            
**** Author:    @cav @jr                    
**** Build: v1.0b1                    
**** Notes:        
    Decided to hand roll a 2D parameter interpolator using SmallTalk Dictionary
    to bypass encapsulation of InterpolateParameters which might cause problems
    inside a Class. Dont worry, I used SublimeText to code this which was quite quick

def_a def_e def_i def_o def_u
interpPointsF1 interpPointsF2 interpPointsF3
interpPointsR1 interpPointsR2 interpPointsR3
interpPointsdB1 interpPointsdB2 interpPointsdB3

attenuation := -6 db.

def_a := Dictionary new.
def_e := Dictionary new.
def_i := Dictionary new.
def_o := Dictionary new.
def_u := Dictionary new.

add: #f1 -> 650; add: #f2 -> 1080; add: #f3 ->2560;
add: #r1 -> 0.039773; add: #r2 -> 0.090909; add: #r3 ->0.11932;
add: #db1 -> 0; add: #db2 -> -6; add: #db3 -> -12.

add: #f1 -> 400; add: #f2 -> 1700; add: #f3 ->2600;
add: #r1 ->0.028409; add: #r2 -> 0.045455; add: #r3 ->0.022727;
add: #db1 -> 0; add: #db2 -> -14; add: #db3 ->-14.

add: #f1 -> 290; add: #f2 -> 1870; add: #f3 ->2800;
add: #r1 -> 0.011364; add: #r2 -> 0.0625; add: #r3 ->0.039773;
add: #db1 -> 0; add: #db2 -> -15; add: #db3 ->-12.8.

add: #f1 -> 400; add: #f2 -> 800; add: #f3 ->2600;
add: #r1 -> 0.039773; add: #r2 -> 0.0625; add: #r3 ->0.068182;
add: #db1 -> 0; add: #db2 -> -22.01; add: #db3 ->-12.8.

add: #f1 -> 350; add: #f2 -> 600; add: #f3 ->2700;
add: #r1 -> 0.017045; add: #r2 -> 0.0625; add: #r3 ->0.085227;
add: #db1 -> 0; add: #db2 -> -22.22; add: #db3 ->-18.2.

interpPointsF1 :=
    with: (0@ (def_a at: #f1) )
    with: (1@ (def_e at: #f1) )
    with: (2@ (def_i at: #f1) )
    with: (3@ (def_o at: #f1) )
    with: (4@ (def_u at: #f1) )

interpPointsF2 :=
    with: (0@ (def_a at: #f2) )
    with: (1@ (def_e at: #f2) )
    with: (2@ (def_i at: #f2) )
    with: (3@ (def_o at: #f2) )
    with: (4@ (def_u at: #f2) )

interpPointsF3 :=
    with: (0@ (def_a at: #f3) )
    with: (1@ (def_e at: #f3) )
    with: (2@ (def_i at: #f3) )
    with: (3@ (def_o at: #f3) )
    with: (4@ (def_u at: #f3) )

interpPointsR1 :=
    with: (0@ (def_a at: #r1) )
    with: (1@ (def_e at: #r1) )
    with: (2@ (def_i at: #r1) )
    with: (3@ (def_o at: #r1) )
    with: (4@ (def_u at: #r1) )

interpPointsR2 :=
    with: (0@ (def_a at: #r2) )
    with: (1@ (def_e at: #r2) )
    with: (2@ (def_i at: #r2) )
    with: (3@ (def_o at: #r2) )
    with: (4@ (def_u at: #r2) )

interpPointsR3 :=
    with: (0@ (def_a at: #r3) )
    with: (1@ (def_e at: #r3) )
    with: (2@ (def_i at: #r3) )
    with: (3@ (def_o at: #r3) )
    with: (4@ (def_u at: #r3) )

interpPointsdB1 :=
    with: (0@ (def_a at: #db1) )
    with: (1@ (def_e at: #db1) )
    with: (2@ (def_i at: #db1) )
    with: (3@ (def_o at: #db1) )
    with: (4@ (def_u at: #db1) )

interpPointsdB2 :=
    with: (0@ (def_a at: #db2) )
    with: (1@ (def_e at: #db2) )
    with: (2@ (def_i at: #db2) )
    with: (3@ (def_o at: #db2) )
    with: (4@ (def_u at: #db2) )

interpPointsdB3 :=
    with: (0@ (def_a at: #db3) )
    with: (1@ (def_e at: #db3) )
    with: (2@ (def_i at: #db3) )
    with: (3@ (def_o at: #db3) )
    with: (4@ (def_u at: #db3) )

(inputs at: 1)
start: 0 s
cutoff1: ((?Vowel into: interpPointsF1) smoothFor: ((?smoothing vmax: 0.02) vmax: 0.02))
cutoff2: ((?Vowel into: interpPointsF2)  smoothFor: ((?smoothing vmax: 0.02) vmax: 0.02))
cutoff3: ((?Vowel into: interpPointsF3)  smoothFor: (?smoothing vmax: 0.02))

resonance1: ((?Vowel into: interpPointsR1)  smoothFor: (?smoothing vmax: 0.02))
resonance2: ((?Vowel into: interpPointsR2)  smoothFor: (?smoothing vmax: 0.02))
resonance3: ((?Vowel into: interpPointsR3)  smoothFor: (?smoothing vmax: 0.02))

level1: (((?Vowel into: interpPointsdB1) * attenuation)  smoothFor: (?smoothing vmax: 0.02))
level2: (((?Vowel into: interpPointsdB2) * attenuation)  smoothFor: (?smoothing vmax: 0.02))
level3: (((?Vowel into: interpPointsdB3) * attenuation) smoothFor: (?smoothing vmax: 0.02))


asked Jul 26, 2019 in Capytalk & Smalltalk by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)
Cool. That's a nice use of Dictionaries.

into: only works for static values which is fine for a vocal filter where you know all the filter values. It would be interesting to think how to do this for EventValues too.

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