MOTU Track16 disconnecting

0 votes
Has anyone had an issue with the MOTU Track16 interface sporadically disconnecting itself from the paca(rana)? I have to turn it off and on to get the paca(rana) to recognise it again.

Also I get occassional audio drop-outs with it.
asked Jul 28, 2019 in Hardware & Interfaces by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)
We just had a similar problem with a MOTU Audio Express and found that the Mac had decided to use the Audio Express as the System Alert device. Moving the System Alerts to the Built-in Output fixed the problem.

2 Answers

0 votes
I've had bad luck with the MOTU Track16, and I eventually switched to the MOTU Ultralite mk3. But most of my trouble may have been a bad FireWire cable, I was never able to get to the bottom of it.
answered Jul 29, 2019 by stephen-taylor (Adept) (1,620 points)
What kind of bad luck were you having?
Sometimes it wouldn't recognize the Pacarana at all, other times it would drop out. But I never tried uninstalling the Motu drivers. For what it's worth, the MOTU Ultralite mk3 has been working well.
0 votes
I have a Motu Track 16, and had a few disconnections at first (and some annoying issues when the Mac went in sleep mode, and also to sync the Motu to an external wordclock).

But since I uninstalled the Motu drivers, it's working perfectly. No disconnections, no drop-outs, and very stable.


Pacarana connected to a Mac Pro.

Motu track 16 connected directly to the Pacarana via FW.

Motu track 16 connected via ADAT to RME RayDat (also receiving clock from the RME). 8 ins, 8 outs.
answered Aug 2, 2019 by johannes-regnier (Practitioner) (330 points)