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duration of the waveforms in timeline

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I tried to impose Amplitude of one Waveform to another,
in Timeline.

But, Kyma thinks that 4096 samp Waveform is 2 sec long, and accordingly, when recording to disk, makes a 2 sec long sound.

Is this as it is supposed to be ?
I was doing this AmplitudeImposing before, and I do not recall such behavior


asked Jul 31, 2019 in Using Kyma by samuel-sacher (Practitioner) (590 points)
Hello Samuel, What kinds of Sounds are in the Timeline; Samples? What is the duration of the Time bars? How are you doing the amplitude-imposing; are you putting both Sounds into a Product? You might try taking the Product (outside the Timeline), put a SetDuration to its right; set the duration to 4096 samp; and select Record to Disk from the Action menu.
Hello SSC!
Sounds in the Timeline are aiff's or waves, all 4069 samples long, waveforms, like "Ahhhhhhh" (favorite!!)  and so on …
I put the Sound which I want to be "modeled" in the first channel, and then in his Track Controls/TLevel_Trk1 I import "model" Sound - like "Ahhhhhhh".
Kyma ask for Amplitude speed, and makes the rest.
Problem is only with 4069 samp Sounds!
I usually use tabla performance and impose it's amplitude on rainstick loop and this works perfectly.


I'll send screen shot by mail, and will try Sounds to Product of course


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