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How are Wacom tablets working and what is the best pen for Kyma use?

0 votes
I've got an Intuous 5 tablet that I'd like to use with my Pacarana. Last time I tried there were some issues with Wacom compatibility. I am wondering if that has been worked out?

If we're at a point where I should upgrade from the Intuous 5 to something newer, I would not be surprised.

But until someone tells me to upgrade, I seem to have lost my pen for my Intuous 5. So I was going to order a new one. I did not realize there are different options, Art, Classic, Grip, Inking. Does anyone have a preference. The "Grip Pen" is probably what I'll get, but curious if others have opinions ont this.


asked Aug 12, 2019 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by jason-wolford (290 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
As far as we know the Intuos 5 is still working with Kyma (unless Wacom has changed the driver). Give it a try and if it does not work with the newest Wacom driver, let us know and we can tell you how to find an older driver that will work.

We use the Grip Pen too (but Franz Danksagmüller did an interesting piece at KISS with the inking pen where he was performing and drawing a score at the same time).
answered Aug 12, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
0 votes
3 days back I got the message in Wacom Desktop Center to update the Windows driver to the latest:


It works fine.

At the Wacom site you can download for Mac and/or PC:
answered Aug 18, 2019 by roland-kuit (Master) (3,350 points)