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Can I turn off sample rate conversion for wav files?

0 votes
I'm recording non-audio data into wav files. The problem is when I switch to a samplerate different to the one I've used for recording, my data gets samplerate-converted and therefore damaged. Using the function generator for playback is not an option for me since I can't control it using timeIndex. I really would love to use the SampleWithTimeIndex...

Is there a way to tell Kyma not to samplerate convert when playing?

asked Jul 6, 2015 in Using Kyma by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
If you open your recorded control file in the Kyma Wave editor, look in the Info area of the Sidebar.  Change the sample rate.  It will ask whether you want to interpolate or not (and you would answer no). Then save the file with the new info header.

Alternatively you could avoid switching between different sample rates for this particular project.
answered Jul 6, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (128,780 points)
selected Jul 8, 2015 by kymaguy
Thanks SSC. Thats good to know. What about the Waveshaper sound with an oscillator or constant level lookup? Does that also interpolate even with Interpolation deselected?
Not if you set Interpolation to "None" in the Waveshaper drop down.
Great! solved