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Morphing: Psi Files, TauPlayer, Morph1DGrainCloud

+2 votes
Hi all,

I started to experiment with morphing, using the Tau editor. Super convenient, and gives great results, even going from inharmonic spectra to harmonic.

I was curious about the analysis process, and couldn't find much info in the manual. I understand it does morphing by morphing pitch, amp and formant envelopes from one sound to the other. But is there any FFT analysis / resynthesis happening behind that?

Same question with Morph1DGrainCloud: is the morphing process a linear interpolation between grains of one sound to another?

More generally, what's your experience and successes with morphing?.. Tau vs. Spectral analysis vs. graincloud morphing.

asked Sep 23, 2019 in Sound Design by johannes-regnier (Practitioner) (330 points)

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