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Motormix and additional controllers

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Hi, i'm waiting on delivery of a CM Labs Motormix.  Am I able to use additional midi controllers as well as the Motormix.  Currently i use a midi twister (midi knob box with illuminated encoders) via Kyma Connect software and select the input to 'echo midi' so that i get bi-directional feedback for the encoders.  Clearly I can't have 'Motormix' and 'Echo midi' selected at the same time so I'm curious whether i'll lose the ability to use both.


I'm looking forward to the auto-mapping of the VCS...


asked Oct 10, 2019 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by ghood (Master) (3,060 points)
Can the MIDI Twister be on a midi channel other than channel 1? If so then it could be used as a controller (but without feedback). If it is limited to channel 1, then we're stuck because the CM Labs is hard wired to channel 1.
The twister can be reassigned. A shame you lose bi directional feedback but it is what it is! Thanks
I did a sound couple of years ago for the Twister with MidiOut-sounds that enabled bi-directional feedback for it without the midi echo. I have used it for a live sampling sound, but I think it can be adjusted to others as well?
Good idea Annsi. If you're able to share a sound would be appreciated. I can mod from there. No worries if not, I'll start from scratch.
I'll check what I find next week at the studio.
Hmm... I'm sorry but it seems that I cannot find the sounds that  used to work as I expected. It seems that I started using the echo midi preference and forgot about the way I used to do it. Maybe I never got it to work properly after all?

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