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Solved issue with !PenX values (kyma 7 - wacom cintiq 16)

0 votes
I'm testing this recent Wacom tablet with kyma 7 using sound named  "test all controls"

!PenX values start from 0.4667 to 1 -> doesn't work (values should step from 0 to 1)

!PenRadius I can't say if it's working properly but values are changing

!PenAngle I can't say if it's working properly but values are changing

!PenZ from 0 to 1 works

!PenDown 0 or 1 works

!PenTiltX from -1 to 1 works

!PenTiltY from -1 to 1 works

!PenTiltRadius 0 to 2 works

!PenTiltAngle 0 to 2 works

!PenButton1 0 or 1 works (disable pen buttons in Wacom CP)

!PenButton2 0 or 1 works (disable pen buttons in Wacom CP)

!PenRotation unaivalable

!PenWheel unavailable

Would be great to have the !PenX variable working properly and this tablet would be 100% compatible.

Any clue?
asked Oct 24, 2019 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by stefanolanci (120 points)
edited Oct 25, 2019 by stefanolanci

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 25, 2019 by roland-kuit (Master) (3,350 points)
Driver installed is the latest available for this tablet: 6.3.37-03
In the meantime doing more testing helped me to find a workaround.

Cintiq was configured as an extended screen of a different aspect ratio main panel thus using a different resolution than main screen.

Setting tablet screen as duplicate of main screen (windows 10 - nvidia gtx 660 Ti) or forcing video signal to be shown on main screen only, solved the issue:  !PenX works.

This workaround by the way doesn't satisfy completely my expectations.
Because of the different aspect ratio of cintiq panel the working area is cropped on sides.
My goal was to be able to show on tablet a schematic/image helping to visually detect sensible area related to the sound in use.

I will do more tests with extended screens at same resolutions and report.
I'm done with testing.

if you are planning to implement a wacom cintiq 16 in your kyma sound design environment and enjoy all its advantages, you should think about using a full HD 16:9 main screen supporting natively the 1920x1080 resolution.

This setup will give you the opportunity to use the cintiq as an extended panel at its own native resolution thus use all of its surface to consistently control your sounds parameters.

Wacom Cintiq 16 is definetely 100% compatible with kyma 7
Great, thanks for posting!