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MIDI Clock Start and Stop

+2 votes

The two suggestions discussed in the linked thread: A) Multiply the !BPM to create the on/off, this does not work as my clock signal is constant regardless of stop/start state. and B) Using OSC to piggy back messages is not ideal right now.

Q: Is there an object where I can capture specific MIDI bytes and translate them into !Messages?

Q: Could the Start and Stop messages be integrated into the Global Map?

Yours, seeking sync nirvana


related to an answer for: MIDI Start/Stop Input
asked Nov 9, 2019 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by charlienorton (Adept) (2,660 points)
Not right now, but looking into it...

1 Answer

0 votes
-- New !SongStart, !SongStop, !SongContinue EventValues that you can control by sending the respective MIDI System Real-Time Messages to the Paca(rana)'s MIDI input
answered Mar 20, 2020 by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,410 points)