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How can I detect multiple note on messages from a midi controller that doesn't send note offs?

0 votes

I have a midi controller that sends out several midi note on messages to indicate mode. Eg. 


  • nn 0 is mode 0
  • nn 11 is mode 1
  • nn 14 is mode 2
  • nn 24 is mode 3


and then it cycles round again. 


The thing is it never sends any note off messages for these mode changes. 


I used this expression in an STGC to get the mode:


| mode |

mode := EventVariable new initialValue: 0.

((!KeyNumber eq: 0) \/ 

(!KeyNumber eq: 11) \/ 

(!KeyNumber eq: 14) \/

(!KeyNumber eq: 24)) true: (

    mode <~ (!KeyNumber into: #({0 @ 0} {11 @ 1} {14 @ 2} {24 @ 3}))

) false: (





but it only works the first time each mode is entered. I guess because it doesn't get a note off message that note never retriggers. How can I create a !Mode event value that will change with these midi messages?

asked Nov 27, 2019 in Capytalk & Smalltalk by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

The value of !KeyNumber is sampleAndHeld on !KeyDown so the value changes even without a noteOff. The following expression should be equal to Mode:

!KeyNumber  indexOfValueIn: #(0 11 14 24) 

* the initial value of !KeyNumber is 60, but once it receives a keynumber from your controller it should take on the value of Mode.

answered Nov 27, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)