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Catalina support

+1 vote
I raised the question a few months back and I understood you have a build of the Kyma app suitable for Catalina. I have now successfully transitioned across to Catalina with the exception of Kyma. Would it be possible to have access to the Catalina compatible Kyma version?

Kind regards,

asked Dec 3, 2019 in Using Kyma by mark-osborne (130 points)
reshown Dec 11, 2019 by ssc

1 Answer

+1 vote
Kyma 7 is compatible with Mac OS 10.15 (Catalina). Follow the link you used to download your original copy of Kyma 7 and you’ll see an option to download the 64-bit version for Mac OS 10.10 - 10.15.

Make sure that all the other software you depend on is also compatible before taking the plunge. For example, check the compatibility of text-editing, spreadsheet, outliners, photo editing, graphics packages and other utilities on which you depend for your daily work.
answered Dec 11, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Thank you for the fast response and clear answer. I have now installed the Kyma 7+ download and it all seems to work great
Note that KyaConnect is one of those "other utilities" that is not compatible with macOS 10.15. There is a Q&A question covering this here:
What is the best practice for adding a personal sound library to the Kyma 7 folder after downloading the 64-bit option? Or is it just that simple? Say I did a clean install of Catalina and then Kyma, could I just drag and drop my personal Kyma sound library from my back-up, which I always have inside the Kyma 7 folder, into the new Kyma 7 folder? Thanks for any thoughts.
I have my Sound library outside of the Kyma 7 folder so it's independent from the kyma installation and not in danger from any update process... and nor is the Kyma 7 folder in any danger from me editing and breaking stuff. I know some people have their library separate and some people have it inside.

I can't think of any reason why you couldn't just copy in your old folder though.