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Portable routers

0 votes
I would like to use the iPad Kyma Control without using the Kyma Connect App which, I think, means that I need to have a small portable router that I can connect my Pacarana to in order to wirelessly communicate with my Kyma Control iPad.

I will also be using a second iPad wirelessly with the Mira Max App.

I would love some advice regarding a robust and very small router since I tour with a backpack and suitcase on bikes, trains and planes worldwide.
asked Dec 28, 2019 in Hardware & Interfaces by anne-la-berge (Adept) (2,170 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi Anne,


I have one of these (2012 model and it works for me. It is old so may not suit but here is the info:

Happy New Year  hope all is well. 



answered Dec 28, 2019 by simon-smith (Adept) (1,200 points)
selected Dec 30, 2019 by anne-la-berge
Dear Simon,
I've looked into the AirPort Express before but since they no longer make them, I thought I'd find something more current.
Thanks for your input!
+2 votes
Hi Anne,

I've been using a TP-LINK TL-WR802N (it's about 5.5 cm square) powered off the USB on the back of the Pacarana. When using the iPad, I've been wiring it directly to the Pacarana Ethernet port using the iPad camera kit to avoid variability in wireless reliability in different venues.
answered Dec 28, 2019 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
You can simplify the iPad's direct-to-Ethernet connection further by replacing the Camera Connection Kit plus USB Ethernet combination with an inexpensive Lightening to Ethernet adaptor.
I'll give the TP-LINK a try. I've started placing my mic and iPad setup further away from the Pacarana/Computer table, therefore the wireless solution is what I'd like to keep using for performances.
Hi Anne, if you are less than around 50 ft away from your Pacarana, you could still use a cat5 or cat6 Ethernet cable (I've done several concerts where the computer was at the back of the audience and the Ethernet cable ran from there to the iPad on the stage).

If you decide to stick with WiFi, you probably knew this already but just in case other people are reading this may not have known, it seems that the 2.4 GHz band is more reliable for long distances and with obstacles in the way. The 5 GHz band is pretty much line-of-sight and the strength of the signal drops off very quickly with distance, whereas the 2.4 GHz band seems to work around obstacles and is fast enough for controller applications. At first I wasn't sure whether it was just my imagination, but a few years ago I met one of the Microsoft Surface hardware developers, and he confirmed that it's true.

It makes sense given that high frequency sounds are more directional and low frequencies seem to "bend" around  obstacles and travel further. I guess the same is true for radio frequencies.
How exactly do I use the TP-LINK TL-WR802N?
Do I plug the ethernet cable in the ethernet port on the pacarana?
I've been trying to send osc from a small device i have, but it doesn't seem to reach my pacarana. I can send osc to and from my computer from my device when my device and computer is on the wifi created by the TP-LINK TL-WR802N.
But not the pacarana.
It should be mentioned that my pacarana is connected to my computer via an ethernet cable and using Kyma 7+, and it seems like it'll only receive osc via that connection. Could that be my problem?
Yes, you can connect the TP-LINK to the Ethernet port on the Pacarana. (The port that is actually labeled as "Ethernet", not the one labeled "Expansion port B". You can power the TP-LINK from the USB port on the back of the Pacarana.
Just for everyone following this feed, the TP-LINK needs to be configured to Access Point mode where it transforms the wired access into a wireless that multiple devices can share.

The upside is that I can run Kyma Control and Mira with Max on multiple iPads.

The next step is to migrate all of my MIDI communication between Max and Kyma to OSC.