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Can you record to disk at higher sample rates than your audio interface can handle?

+1 vote
Hi all,

The maximum sample rate for my USB interface is 48kHz, but I want to record some 96kHz files to my disk.

If I set my DSP in and out to "silent device" I can freely adjust the sample rate and effectively record those files, but, of course, I can't monitor them. Is there any way to record to disk at 96kHz while I listen at a lower sample rate?

I supposed there would have to be some sort of downsampling happening on the fly...
asked Jan 25, 2020 in Hardware & Interfaces by simon-hutchinson (Practitioner) (410 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer
Yes you can record (using Silent Device as you were before), but there is no mechanism for monitoring during the recording (absent an audio interface that can be set to 96 kHz).
answered Jan 25, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Jan 25, 2020 by simon-hutchinson
Thank you! ----