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Virtual Midi port

0 votes
appologies for cross posting - I posted this in the forum but see this is much more active.

After a bit of a break from Kyma due to too many other projects I am heading back to the rodent and also teaching it as part of a class on acousmatic composition this semester.

I have been using the fabulous KymaConnect to get MIDI I/o for Kyma virtually – its super useful and a good addition to my preferred option of OSC – sometimes OSC is not compatible with some gear.  Anyway, I am wondering if there is or might in the future be a virtual MIDI port available within the Kyma software as the 64 bit thing may see the end of KymaConnect.  Thanks and apologies if I have overlooked something obvious.

Cheers, Garth
asked Feb 1, 2020 in Using Kyma by garth-paine (Practitioner) (350 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Garth,

Delora are working on a Catalina compatible version of Kyma Connect (This thread has details:

answered Feb 2, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Super - thanks so much - ill look forward to it, its soooo useful!!