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Is there a way to disable auto-hiding Sounds to the left?

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This is especially a problem when working with big Sounds: I insert a Sound on the right and Kyma auto-hides Sounds to the left of it. When I double-click the small dots to show them again it's like I cleaned up, but with big Sounds this can be less clean than before...
asked Jul 15, 2015 in Using Kyma by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)
Do you recall which Sound this was? I noticed that inserting a unary Sound to the right of a long signal flow does NOT auto-hide the Sounds to the left.  However, it DOES auto-hide when you insert a binary Sound (where it supplies one branch and your signal flow graph substitutes for the ReplaceableInput).  Looking into exactly why that behaves differently...
not a specific Sound, it doesn't seem like a bug.. It may be as, you describe, that binary Sounds auto-hide the signal flow. Usually it's not a problem, but sometimes it's disturbing..

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