Kyma7+ cant connect to internet but Kyma7 can ?

0 votes
hi there,

It has been nearly 6 years since I parted ways with my system and my sound hobby in general actually. Through serendipity I found myself in the thick of it again, asking "how could I ever have left??"

So I went through all of the procedures of getting my system back on track and now I have two weird events that I cant comprehend :

a) If I install Win64 bit version Kyma 7+ on my machine that I am now writing this post on, when I run it, I get the error that Kyma is not connected to the internet and cannot download the necessary files. I have tried every single thing imaginable, plugged cat6 cables in all possible configurations, tried disabling my firewalls, creating DMZs on the routers, opening myself to the scum of the effect. Kyma7+ does not have internet connection. Then, I uninstall that, install Kyma7, and all works flawlessly! BUT, going to the next point

b) in the Kyma7 version, I cannot access certain document files. For example, if I click on KymaX Revealed, I get an error that the document does not exist. Which is quite a killer since I need severe brushing up of my specific Kyma knowledge.

so there it is, first time poster, but long time user looking for help :)

kind regards
asked Feb 22, 2020 in Using Kyma by bolelojsgmail-com (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Have you tried installing a previous version of Kyma 7+? Which operative system on your computer are you using?


answered Feb 22, 2020 by marco-lopez (Practitioner) (800 points)
hey there marco,

I am using Windows 8, 64 bit. Where can I access other versions of Kyma? Since I was away for so long I had to contact SSC for a unique download link which only had the two latest versions to choose from.

kind regards
That link given is the one that contains the available versions. I'm sure they will answer back, they are very helpful:)
0 votes

Do you have all the latest updates to Windows 10?

answered Feb 24, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (128,000 points)
Much obliged, this settled the issue!! I had to manually go look for the missing update package, but it did the trick.
commented 3 hours ago by bolelojsgmail-com