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Flocking behavior in Kyma Sounds

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I'm creating a piece and would like to use some sounds that include flocking simulation.

I remember seeing and hearing a lot at KISS2016. Could someone point me in a direction? Searches in the Sound Browser and on the internet are proving to be less useful than I had hoped.


asked Mar 26, 2020 in Using Kyma by anne-la-berge (Adept) (2,170 points)
In the Sound Browser, search for "swarm" instead of flock?
Also, we designed some pretty serious high performance swarm algorithms , that can compute so fast that they can create real swarm synthesis ( actually constructing wave tables from flocking algorithms) .... these Classes are all part of the Complexity Lab product... you can email or message me on the NeverEngineLabs Slack channels if you'd like to get more info Anne.

Lots of information here...

A video of our algorithm and visualisation running in realtime
Thank you so much Carla and Christian for reminding me what the key word is to access what I was searching for.

I can picture you both standing in front of big screens showing gorgeous slides of SWARM algorithms and resulting sounds.

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