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Timeline files not prompting to be saved after being changed and closing

0 votes
This happens predominantly with timelines though can happen with sound files also when I have been creating presets, either way it is frustrating as many hours of painstaking work is lost. If I create a timeline or modify one and do "close" or "quit" from the menu I expect to be prompted (like any other application) if I want to save my changes, sometimes this does not happen and ahving not saved the changes explicitly they are lost. Is this a known bug ? Is there anything I can do - apart from being more vigilant and saving my changes manually - to get prompted if I want to save the file ?
asked Jul 17, 2015 in Using Kyma by alex-devine (170 points)
I've never experienced that.. Running the latest update?
So just to clarify, you're saying that this happens when you save some presets and then Quit the application, leaving the Timeline still open?

1 Answer

0 votes
We tried reproducing this, but in every scenario we tried, it always asked us if we wanted to save the file. Could you please send us a screen video of this so we can see exactly how you were getting it to happen?  Thanks for your help. We don't want you to lose any more work!
answered Jul 17, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)
The problem is occassional, it does not happen consistently. It is difficult to provide a screen shot as I am not prompted to save the file, it simply goes. I am however, reading and writing to a disk on another machine via a Mac "Shared" resource, this may have something to do with it as I have seen other odd behaviour in Kyma to do with the shared drives.