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Details for using ethernet instead of FW to connect to a Pacarana?

+1 vote
Is there a place on Symbolic's website showing what overall changes (when using Kyma above version 7) are possible or need to be made when using ethernet to the Mac instead of Firewire? What happens with the audio interface that was connected via FW, or is it still to be connected via FW, or even: does the number of appropriate audio interfaces sudddenly become "anything that works with a Mac"?
asked Apr 2, 2020 in Hardware & Interfaces by michael-bransome (190 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Kyma 7+ affords the possibility of using an Ethernet connection between the Kyma host computer and the Paca(rana) instead of using FireWire. The Ethernet connect carries control information, sound data information, and OSC information. It does not though change how the Paca(rana) inputs and outputs soundcard audio. The Paca(rana) still needs a dedicated compatible FireWire or USB audio interface. This audio interface remains independent of any audio interface used by the Kyma host computer.

One significant benefit of using Ethernet instead of FireWire for host communication is that the host computer no longer needs a FireWire interface. Another benefit for FireWire equipped host computers is it eliminates the potential problems that can arise when there is a host FireWire audio interface and a Paca(rana) FireWire interface sharing the same FireWire bus. Using Ethernet opens up some exciting possibilities for physically placing the Paca(rana), or even sharing a Paca(rana) between multiple host computers (just not at the same time). The Paca(rana) and host computer no longer need to be located in close proximity, or even in the same room!
answered Apr 2, 2020 by delora-software (Master) (5,660 points)
yes, I have been enjoying programming in Kyma from the couch!

I found it very simple to connect the Pacarana ethernet to a portable Netgear M1 Nighthawk which connects all the devices in our apartment together, including the Pacarana right now!
I'm currently using my Paca via ethernet to my Windows PC and it works perfectly.
I recently got an iPad and would like to use Kyma Connect. The Paca is not connected to the network, but rather via ethernet to the PC. The PC is connected to the internet via Ethernet cable.
I suspect that my host machine being a PC may complicate things.

Is there any possible way to connect my Kyma Control to the Paca while the ethernet is connected to the PC?
Hi Tom,

If you have a router (or a little hotspot) with Wi-Fi connected to the Ethernet jack on the back of the Paca, then KymaControl (on iPad) can communicate with the Paca directly over wi-fi. Since the computer is connected to the Paca via Expansion Port B, that leaves the Ethernet port on the Paca still available for OSC.

Alternatively, if you have a wi-fi router that you could connect to your PC and it has free Ethernet jacks still open, you could connect both your PC and your Paca Expansion Port B to that router. Then you could use wi-fi to communicate from the iPad to that router.

If you don't mind having a wired iPad, you can also get a iPad-Ethernet adapter, and connect your iPad to the Ethernet port on the back of your Paca directly. I often use this solution for live performances since you cannot always rely on the wi-fi in every live venue.