Interface compatibility query: M-Audio ProFire Lightbridge

0 votes
Hello there,

Have been looking into using one of these as my Kyma interface, to replace a Motu Ultralite mk 3 (no ADAT). Will I be able to access the first 8 ADAT inputs and outputs with Kyma?

Thanks and best regards,

asked Apr 21, 2020 in Hardware & Interfaces by frozenreeds (Practitioner) (450 points)
If you pick up a Motu track 16 that has ADAT in and out which works well with a Kyma.
Nice, thanks. I may well do that.

1 Answer

0 votes
Sorry, but the ProFire Lightbridge relies on proprietary firmware so it would not work with the Pacarana.
answered Apr 21, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)