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How do I enlarge a VCS beyond the size of my screen?

0 votes
I had a VCS that had enough controls on it that they went off the bottom of the screen, which they needed to do to be usable.

I am now including these controls in a sub-VCS on my main VCS layout. Now that they are in a sub-VCS I can no longer stretch the size of the VCS container beyond the size of my screen so it won't display the contained controls properly.

How can I grow the size of the embedded VCS container beyond the size of my screen?
asked May 14, 2020 in Using Kyma by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)
Do you want to resize the embedded VCS in the main VCS layout, or resize the sub-VCS when viewing the sub-VCS?
I want to resize the embedded VCS in the main layout. I think my issue is that once a VCS layout shrinks, for whatever reason, you can't grow it again.

The other part of the issue is:
A sub-VCS will expand beyond the size of the screen given enough controls when viewing it directly, but when you embed that VCS on a new screen it will resize itself down to fit on the screen and you can't grow it past the size of the screen.

(Unless you temporarily fill the main VCS with extraneous controls to grow the size of the VCS beyond the screen size, and then delete the controls later)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

I want to resize the embedded VCS in the main layout. I think my issue is that once a VCS layout shrinks, for whatever reason, you can't grow it again.

You can use the VCS editor to increase the size of a VCS widget by using the editor's width and height fields found in the bottom right corner.

In this case, unlock the VCS to open the editor, select the embedded VCS layout, and set the height of the widget (the bottom right text field in the editor) to the height you need.

answered May 15, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected May 15, 2020 by alan-jackson
Thanks. Yes of course. Now you say it, it seems obvious!