Hi (me again, sorry).
Ok, so i'm trying to trial some things prior to purchasing a Monome Arc and one of the things i'm interested in doing is generating a !hotvalue or signal which i can then in turn use to send out from Kyma via OSC to control the leds on the encoders of the Arc. I'm trying to take a !TimeIndex_rate control (that's present within NEL GrainFrame) and use that to create a !GeneratedArcLEDNumber (using a STGC) that moves from 0 to 63 (the 64 leds on the Arc) - so the faster the !TimeIndex_rate the faster the Leds will light up and appear to cycle round the Arc. Using a negative !TimeIndex_rate will cause the Leds to travel backwards round the Arch (anti-clockwise).
As guided to I'm looking into the accumulateWhile: options which is largely doing what i want except i can't work out how i'd clip it so that it accumulates between 0 and 63 and resets automatically when it hits 63 (to start the Arc from the first LED again and keep it spinning). I can't refer to the !GeneratedArcLEDNumber within the STGC.
Here is what I'm using:
(!Size * !TimeIndex_rate) accumulateWhile: !Accumulate initialValue: !TimeIndexPosition reset: !Reset
I'm probably approaching the wrong way - any hints would be much appreciated; hopefully what i'm trying to do makes sense.
Thanks so much!