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What’s the best way for Re-Sampling within Kyma?

+1 vote

Hi there,
can someone point me in the right direction?

I’m having problems when splitting audio signals to different memoryWriters inserted in different parallel signal paths.

I would like to implement a sampler engine that could also re-sample itself but on a parallel path (not serial).

Splitting audio signals with the Mixer module creates chaos on the VCS as well as dsp errors because it shares everything (not just audio) before the mixer..?

The Matrix modules would be perfect for what I’m trying to do but they send the signal straight to the hardware outputs so I cannot bring it back to a parallel path within my sound..

I can't find any other module that could split an stereo audio signal to multiple 'sends' within the same sound without duplicating it and renaming it using the Replicator module.

I’m sure there must be an easier way to do this?

So I’ll be waiting for a brighter mind to illuminate me on this if possible..



asked Jul 8, 2020 in Sound Design by eli (Adept) (1,130 points)
edited Jul 9, 2020 by eli

1 Answer

+2 votes

Hi Eli,


I'm not entirely clear what you mean by "a sampler engine that could also re-sample itself but on a parallel path" or "split an stereo audio signal to multiple 'sends'", but it sounds achievable. 

I suggest you try Matrix4 or Matrix8 with a ChannelSelector after them to tap off the channels going to each MemoryWriter. 

Sounds in Kyma can have up to 8 output channels. Many are "mono" (which are actually not single channel outputs but output the same on the Left and Right channels) or stereo outputting on the first two channels. But other Sounds output 4 or 8 channels and Kyma supports up to 8.

Although some Sounds like Matrix4 say they "only work properly as the rightmost Sound" I haven't found that to be the case. 

Here's a quick experiment I tried which uses Matrix4 in the middle of the flow to create a 4 channel output. I then split each channel off and put it through a different delay (which you could replace with MemoryWriters). It seems to work fine. 



Perhaps the "rightmost" instruction is warning us that if we use a Matrix8 in the middle of a Flow, all of its channels won't necessarily find their way to the sound card. It all depends on what you do in the flow between the Matrix8 and the speaker icon. If you put a dual-mono Sound in the path between the Matrix8 and the speaker icon it will only process one of the Matrix8's channels and throw away the rest. Sounds like MultiToMultiChannel or ChannelSelector with Output8 can help you spilt apart and reconstruct an 8 channel connection within the flow. 

As far as I can tell no Sounds within Kyma actually have direct access to the sound card's output channels. They all just construct multichannel outputs within the flow. If these Sounds are the rightmost in your flow then all their channels will indeed address the sound card's outputs. But they need not be the final Sounds in your flow and you can create entire octophonic flows that process, split, recombine and swap around the 8 channels on the way to the speaker icon (ie the sound card). 

answered Jul 8, 2020 by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)
edited Jul 8, 2020 by alan-jackson
How can i upload files here?
yes. You can't upload files to a comment but you can if you edit your original question. You can upload images or Sound files. To upload a file click on the "link" button.
cool, got it..
It looks like it might be a naming thing. It looks like Kyma is expecting a string and finding a number somewhere. Can you upload your Sound or a screenshot of your flow? It might be the name of a Sound input to StereoInOutput4 or maybe the name of a FeedbackLoop Connection.
I don't have kyma connected right now but I'll look at the names later on
I need to simplify the patches I'm working with at the moment because they are just too big to analyse here..
But for now, I will do the audio routings on the MultiGrid using small looping cells rather than compiling everything on a big patch..
Even though, it would be great to find out the rules and restrictions to keep in mind when creating complex routings within a sound.

Much appreciated for all your help Alan,
