Why do I get this Error when combining 2 UniqueMemoryWriterRecordingNames?

0 votes

I'm getting this when I use 2 UniqueMemoryWriterRecordingNames in series:

Now one can say why would you want to do that, it makes no sense.. I agree, but I'm using these in encapsulated modules as well and it would be nice if Kyma would just ignore the second UniqueMemoryWriterRecordingNames. 

In the meantime you need to use a CancelUniqueMemoryWriterRecordingNames in between.


asked Jul 22, 2015 in Using Kyma by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)
Please email the Sound to us so we can see what's happening.  Thanks!

Here's an example: UMWRN_Error.kym


1 Answer

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Best answer
This has been fixed (and is in next software update).
answered Jul 26, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Jul 26, 2015 by kymaguy
Thanks SSC! Great support!