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How to avoid Clicks and Pops when jumping positions with the TimeIndex

0 votes

For some reason I'm always experiencing clicks and pops when jumping positions on the buffer of a MemoryWriter using the TimeIndex module. 

But I don't have any clicks when jumping positions using a simple Sample module with no TimeIndex, even when using way less AR times..


Can someone offer me some tips? 





asked Aug 17, 2020 in Sound Design by eli (Adept) (1,130 points)
When jumping around in samples you get clicks. You can put an envelope around it but that just means click or moment of silence. Instead the usual way is to have one recorder and two players. You crossfade/alternate between the two players and make sure that any jump that happens, happens to the player that is currently turned down.

1 Answer

0 votes
When you jump in a recording it's likely that you're introducing a discontinuity in the waveform. You could try triggering a fade each time you jump. Could you use the Sample prototype instead (since you said that was working the way you expected )?
answered Aug 17, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Is there a particular number of ms that works best for the fades with kyma?
10ms ramp should be enough?
I would like to implement the TimeIndex with the sample if possible so I’ll keep trying different fades.. is there a particular sound In the library I should be studying to cover this?
Thanks again,
In general, the length of the fade would depend on the sound material. The more low frequencies the material contains, the longer the fade?