DelayWithFeedback, Interpolation & SmoothDelayChanges

0 votes
How long is the smoothing produced by the linear ramp set to DelayScale when interpolation is checked?

What’s the coefficient for this time input?

Is this just adjusted with the SlewRate?

I'm using SlewRate to Reverse the Delay but I can't figure out how to calculate the timings accurately.

Is this interpolation adding extra samples to the corresponding max delay buffer for the ramp to take effect?

Many Thanks.

asked Sep 28, 2020 in Sound Design by eli (Adept) (1,130 points)
okay, i think i had it all wrong..
i was considering the delay line as a fixed delay line

but it seems the slewRate converts a fixed delay line into a variable delay line?

if the above is correct then we could think of the slewRate as the ‘speed of the tape’ that the delay is using to print the sound on top?

I had a fascinating night playing with the SlewRate while modulating the delay time in different ways.. absolutely beautiful modulation effects coming out of this (chorusing, doubling, vibrato, sweet slap-back, and tape delays when pairing with saturation and filter..), all remarkably different than modulating fixed delay lines

However, I still don’t know how to precisely dial the modulations because I don’t understand what’s really the actual scale for the slewRate.. it’s not 0-1.. it goes way up!

Any light thrown on this would be great

In the meantime, I’ll keep exploring..



1 Answer

+1 vote

The SlewRate is a scale on how quickly the smoothed changes to DelayScale will occur (when SmoothDelayChanges is checked). The greater the value of SlewRate, the faster the change in delay time. Changes to DelayScale are functionally equivalent to a Doppler shift in the air and, like the Doppler effect, can result in a "whooshing" sound or a transient pitch shift (down for lengthening delays, or up for shortening delays).

Larger values of the SlewRate will cause the delay through the DelayWithFeedback to follow changes to the DelayScale parameter more quickly. If SlewRate is set to 1, the time it takes for the delay time to "catch up" to the DelayScale is the same as the time difference (that is, if the delay is currently 5 seconds and you set the DelayScale to ask for 10 seconds delay, it will take 5 seconds for the DelayWithFeedback to transition from a 5 second delay to a 10 second delay).

answered Oct 5, 2020 by ssc (Savant) (128,000 points)