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Wacom Tablet Intous5 PT S and Kyma 7+ not working anymore

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Hi there,

I hope someone is able to share some tips with a Wacom setup.


For some reason my Wacom tablet stop working early this year with Kyma 7+

I have tried many wacom drivers but the tablet doesn't work for sound control with Kyma 7+ anymore.

The cursor works but the sound control doesn’t

I even wiped and formatted the entire OS on my mac but with no luck so far

I’m currently running Mac OS 10.15.7 and the latest Wacom driver 6.3.43-3 now


Any  help with this would be appreciated.




asked Jul 6, 2021 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by eli (Adept) (1,130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Dear Eliseo,

We installed Wacom driver 6.3.43-3 onto a Mac OS 10.15 computer that has a PTH-451 connected.

Both Pen and Touch input from the Wacom seem to be working. One thing we had to do was to adjust the Cursor Behavior setting in the Kyma Wacom Preferences to be “Do not click, but control cursor” (the middle option).

Perhaps the MacOS Security and Privacy Settings are preventing Kyma from accessing the pen. These should have been set for you automatically the first time you used either Kyma or the Wacom Tablet.

Please open the System Preferences, select Security & Privacy, and click the Privacy tab. Scroll down to Accessibility and make sure that both Kyma and com.wacom.IOManager have check marks next to them. Then select the next item, Input Monitoring, and make sure that WacomTabletDriver is checked there. Next, skip down a couple of rows to Automation and make sure that the entry for TabletDriver (under the Kyma 7+ entry) is checked.

answered Jul 7, 2021 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Dear SSC,

Many thanks for your response.

The Mac OS Security and Privacy Settings was the first thing to check when troubleshooting this problem at the beginning of this year.

My Wacom intous 5 was working fine on Kyma 7 via firewire.
Since I upgraded to Kyma 7+ and ethernet the Wacom stop working.

Please also note that the Wacom works fine when using it as a mouse with Kyma. But it stops working as soon as I try to use it as a sound controller.

It's been 6 months since then and none of the new Wacom drivers have fixed the problem.

Unfortunately, purchasing a second wacom tablet like your PTH-451 model is not an option for me right now.

Is something else I could do before I resign from the idea of using the Wacom as a controller with Kyma?

Thank you
I feel your pain. I recently had this same problem. I'm on a different OS and tablet, but the scenario of the pen working as a mouse and nothing more is the same. The problem came after "upgrading" the Wacom driver. I can't say for sure but I'm confident you can find an older driver that will work. It's laborious, but I would suggest working your way through the drivers compatible with your tablet starting with the oldest (since you said the latest ones haven't been working.) Install a new driver, test, if it doesn't work with Kyma uninstall it. Repeat. It's been my experience that Wacom drivers are incredibly inconsistent and finicky, so once I have one that's working with Kyma I don't change it unless I absolutely have to. This probably isn't what you wanted to hear but this might be it. One other thing you could make sure of is that you're on the "correct" screen with the tablet. If there's a button on your tablet to change screens you might try that. That happened to me once and it took me ages to realize all I need to do was press one button on my tablet to get everything working. Hope this helps, cheers.
Did you try connecting the Pacarana by firewire again? It might be far fetched but Osculator for example only works if there is a firewire connection (but you can operate the Pacarana via Ethernet).
Thanks for your reply Will!
I tried so many different drivers but I will try again when I find a chance following your advice. Could you please let me know what driver and tablet are you currently using? I think it would be great to create a directory with the successful matches of driver, tablet model and OS. Although, I have my doubts about this since the tablet stop working with both my mac and my windows pc since i moved to kyma 7+ and stop using the firewire port to connect to the computer.. Thanks. e.
Hi Eli! Apologies for the delay. I never received an email that you responded so I'm just seeing this now. I'm using model PTH-651 and the driver is 6.3.41

Makes sense that you have your doubts given it stopped working on different systems but I think it's worth a shot. Have you tried connecting your Paca(rana) via firewire as a test?
Much appreciated Will! Yes, I'm not receiving the email notifications either. Unfortunately, the 6.3.41 driver didn't work with mine. I sold all the firewire adapters and going back to firewire is just not an option for me anymore. Although, I'm missing working with Kyma and the wacom very much.. Thanks again for your help
Yes, email notifications do appear to have ceased at present.

Was there any resolution to getting the wacom working with Kyma 7+ on Windows 10 os without a firewire connection to the Pacarana?

Thank you
Just ran into the same issue here...

Looks like the last working Wacom (Intuos Pro M (2017)) driver version for my system (Intel, macOS 12.1, Kyma++ v7.39f5) is v6.3.41-2.

Works with Pacarana connected via Ethernet and Firewire.