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Audible glitches/Clicks in sounds controlled by Continuum

+1 vote

I'm having trouble to remove unwanted glitches from my sounds when controlled from the continuum; i've tried to smooth the controls and also the smoothing in the midi configuration but they stil there.

When i hit a note  can hear clear control interaction in the sound that cause unwanted errors in the audio, making my sounds really unpleasant.


Can anyone help me to figure this out ?

It is normal ?

Also, can i control in a better way the results of the keyboard controlled envelopes in the synthesised sounds (ex: random attack clicks, unprecise reactions in amplitude etc ) ?


Thank you,

Hope in your answer

asked Jul 28, 2021 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by giacomo-tropea (210 points)
Is that mostly happening when you try to control the Sound's volume using the z-axis of the continuum (ie !KeyVelocity)?
Hi Giacomo, could you please send an example patch, so we can see what you are controlling and hear what you mean? Thank you!
(You can attach the Sound here or send it by email)
Yes it is ! Sorry i did not mention this.
Ok i’ll send you the  simplest one so is understandable, but as Alan said is about the z axis.

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

I've found when I'm controlling a Sound's volume using the z-axis of the continuum, it can be a bit "gritty". I haven't heard anyone else complain about this, so maybe it's just me :)

I think what's going on is that Capytalk only updates at a rate of 1000hz and even when you add "smoothed" on, the smoothing is still stepped at 1000hz, which for volume of something like a sine wave gives an audible buzz.

For instance if you put something like the following in the Envelope field of an Oscillator:

!KeyVelocity smoothed

 But you'll notice that the Envelope field of an Oscillator is on an orange background. It's a "boiling hot" parameter, in that it can change at sample rate. So one way round this I've found is to put the expression in a CapytalkToSound and then paste the CapytalkToSound into the Envelope field. 

This converts the Capytalk expression to a sample rate signal and the CapytalkToSound does sample rate interpolation to smooth the value (unlike Constant which does not). I'll often add a SlewRateLimiter after the CapytalkToSound too, to smooth it out further. 


with this in the CapytalkToSound:

And this in the SlewRateLimiter:


It's important that the Sound pasted in to the Envelope field does not have an L after it or any other Capytalk expression. Any manipulation of the value (eg: "!KeyVelocity smoothed squared" to give it a different response curve) you need to do in the CapytalkToSound. 

Does anyone else notice this buzzy behaviour?


answered Jul 29, 2021 by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)
selected Jul 29, 2021 by giacomo-tropea
That a hell of great answer, thank you very much, now is clear, as soon as i can i’ll make some tests.

Yes, I've made the same observation, there are crackles when playing fast and percussive.