Can I send/route a Submix to another Submix in the Timeline or Multigrid?
Sometimes I am able to do this succesfulyy and without errors
But most of the time things get disconnected like sample buffers from MemoryWriters placed in other tracks mostly.
Is there a specific way of doing this?
I keep Sharing Memory On and Off between the tracks,
as well as keep re-setting the track's replaceable input
but I don't quite understand why I still kepp having errors
I can only assume this is due to routing Submix Tracks to other Submix Tracks..?
Otherwise, is there a specific order I should follow when setting up the tracks and sounds in the timeline?
For example:
1. create track
2. place a sound into the track
3. set inputs and outputs/submixes for the track
3. set the sound's replaceable input
4. set 'share memory to On' for the track