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Is it possible to feed live MIDI into a HMMPatternGeneratorOnMIDIFiles?

+1 vote
Is it possible to feed live MIDI into a HMMPatternGeneratorOnMIDIFiles? Maybe by continuously writing a MIDI file that can be read by the HMM? Thanks!
asked Dec 8, 2021 in Sound Design by roberthofmann (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

It works by gathering statistics on the entire file over all time. This implementation is not designed for incremental updates to the transition matrix. You can write a MIDI file and then use it as the basis for an HMM (just not continuously, while you are in the process of writing it).

answered Dec 10, 2021 by ssc (Savant) (128,000 points)
Thanks, that makes sense. What would be the workflow for recording a midi file? I know I could record the output of a CapytalkToSound to an audio file, but the HMM then couldn't read the sample file.
Hello Robert, to record key events from Kyma to a MIDI file, the best approach would be to use MIDIOutputEvent in order to send the MIDI events to another application, like a DAW or sequencer, that is set up to record MIDI files.

However, the more straightforward way to record a MIDI file would be to record the MIDI directly in a sequencer or other application.

(by the way, a MIDIOutputEvent could also be the input Sound of an HMM so that it could send MIDI output rather than playing the Sound in Kyma).