Reinstalling Kyma after 6 year gap + lost CDROM

0 votes

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction !

I am reinstalling Kyma X after a gap of 6 years onto a new (windows 10) machine.

Unfortunately, during a house move I have misplaced the original Kyma X CD ROM.

I have upgraded to Kyma 7 and still have the original email with the links for the download, but am I right in thinking that you need Kyma X installed before you upgrade to Kyma 7 ?

I have a Pacarana with the serial number.

Any information that can shed some light on this would be very much appreciated !

Many Thanks

asked Jan 27, 2022 in General by simeon-davies (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The Kyma 7 download link contains everything you need. I've just installed on a new Mac Book Pro.
answered Jan 27, 2022 by ghood (Master) (3,060 points)
Thanks very much !