Kyma Control no longer available?

0 votes
Perhaps I missed something, but I went to look for Kyma Control in the App Store to see if there had been any recent updates to it and couldn't find it. Trying to use a direct link produced "not available in your region".
asked Mar 11, 2022 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by scot-solida (240 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I does appear to have gone missing in the US App Store (as of 2022-03-12). I am unaware of any Symbolic Sound announcement. Perhaps an App Store glitch?

Regardless, discontinued apps are available for download as long as the developer has not explicitly deleted them, and has an active paid Apple Developer account. Deleting an app is a drastic step that is not the same as removing it from sale. If an app has been removed from sale it is still available to accounts that previously purchased. It will show in the "My Purchases" list in the App Store app. You can use that to see if there is a more recent update compatible with your iPad. Also remember that iPad-only apps will not show on the iPhone App Store and vice versa. Only universal apps show on both types of devices.

The most recent version of Kyma Control that I have shows version 1.5.2 (January 1, 2022).
answered Mar 12, 2022 by delora-software (Master) (5,660 points)
It's not just me then. Thanks. Yep, same version here.
0 votes
Thanks for letting us know! Apparently Apple had revised their contract and had preemptively removed our app from the store until we agreed to the new contract. We just signed the new contract so it should be reinstated shortly.
answered Mar 12, 2022 by ssc (Savant) (128,000 points)
Can confirm it is now available again.