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Is there a way for Kyma to react to 0xFA MIDI Clock start message coming in?

+1 vote
Can't seem to figure out how to react to a MIDI Clock start message to sync Kyma to an external clock....
asked Aug 14, 2015 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,460 points)
Not sure if it helps and if you haven't searched already but you might find something in the Global Map?

1 Answer

0 votes

Here are some EventValues and expressions that might help with MIDI clock sync:

1 bpm: (!TimingClockDuration * 24) s bpm

<aTimeCodeStartTime> s gateOnAtTimeCodeForDuration: 1 s

(!TimingClock durationBetweenTriggers: 24) s bpm removeUnits

!TimingClock is the incoming MIDI timing clock that comes in 24 times per beat.

!TimingClockDuration is the duration between ticks of that clock (so if you multiply it by 24, you get the duration between beats at the incoming BPM).

To start at a specific MIDI time code, send the message gateOnAtTimeCodeForDuration: to the desired start time.

answered Aug 18, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)
Thanks, didn't know the gateOn... message.
Although these don't solve my problem, which is to sync start Kyma sequencers, or reset countTriggers when an external sequencers sends clock start message. Most other DAW or hardware sequencers I am familiar, only send Clock Start, not time code...